Lusting for Louboutin Nail Polish


christian-louboutinWhat’s better than Christian Louboutins on your feet? On your nails of course! Okay, okay…I’m sure if push came to shove and we had to choose which would be better, I’m sure there are a few of you out there who would prefer the shoes. In the meantime, we can give our nails some lovin’ and put a polish on them that are reminiscent of that amazing red sole every girl (and possibly some guys) covet. If red isn’t your thing, there are 29 other shades you can choose from.

Braids For Days


4c24ed657952a1c7dc450311befce7d0For me, braids are highly underrated. I always seem to forget that I have more options than just hair down or up in a ponytail. There’s just something about a braid that is playful and fun, yet can still be completely chíc. I love these images as they show all sorts of the opportunities one can have with braids whether its half up and half down, just a simple braid tucked into your hair, a braided ponytail, etc. I’m truly going to try and make an effort this fall season to include some braids into my hair styles. Will you?

Step by Step Summer Makeup Tutorial



Now that it’s officially summer, I thought it would be perfect timing to share another great makeup tutorial by The Beauty Department. In 11 easy steps, you can have a chíc, simple, and beautiful summer look that will impress everyone. Though they don’t tell you the exact types of colors to use, you can use similar colors that are shown for the eyes, lips, and bronzer, that best suit your own skin tone. I’ll definitely be giving this look a try this weekend! Click MORE to see step by step how exactly you can achieve this look. 

Top 10 Cheap & Fabulous Mascaras


0a9927006311e4cd6d0f4a774aa71f93Okay ladies (and maybe a few men), we all know that certain drugstore makeup brands and certain types of makeup that can be bought in a drugstore work just as well as your higher-end products. It’s simply just a matter of knowing which brands and products are the winners. So today I’ve chosen mascara which is much easier to pick and buy in a typical drugstore then say…foundation, which is bought and chosen based on skin types, ingredients, etc. Lucky for us, and myself, Beautiful Makeup Search found the top 10 drugstore mascara’s that lengthen, thicken, volumize, and whatever else you can think of while not breaking the bank. Plus, once you find a brand that you like, it’s fun to try out their different mascaras that

At Home DIY Gel Nails


SBS-507020There’s nothing more chíc than a fresh mani! And though I know all of us would certainly appreciate getting one done by someone else, sometimes it’s nice to have a relaxing spa day at home that includes facials, manicures, or pedicures. However, the only frustrating thing that I find for manicures whether at home or in a salon, is that no matter how much base coat, top coat, or nail strengthener that you use, polish always seems to chip within a week, sometimes sooner. But with the invention of the gel nail, a longer solution to nail polish was born with results lasting around 2 weeks. So instead of heading out to your nearest salon to get someone else to do it with their special, particular gel polish, why not give it a try first. A super fun blog, Hairspray and High Heels, found some products for you to